So, I got a tattoo. I know. I’m just as surprised as you are. I always told my kids not to get one unless it had lasting meaning—something they wouldn’t regret twenty, thirty years down the road. I regret clothes choices from a year ago. Could I really find something I’d want to wear on my skin forever? But then, my daughter came to me with an idea I couldn’t pass up.
You see, there are two women in my life to whom I owe a debt I can never repay. Two women whose sacrifice of love allowed me to have something I could never have on my own—children. Because of them, I am a mom. Because of them, my life changed for the better in ways I can never measure. One of these women I have never met. The other I’m privileged to know well.
And so, when my daughter asked me to get the adoption symbol tattoo along with her and her birth mother, I said YES! The triangle represents the three sides of adoption—birth family, adoptive family, child. The heart represents the love that binds us all together. I added a cross to my symbol for two reasons. 1) It reminds me of my own adoption into the family of God through the blood of Jesus. 2) I know both our children came to us through God’s orchestration because “every good and perfect gift comes down from the Father above.”
And so, I got the tattoo . . . and I know there will be no regrets.